About WDF World Cup Men Singles 2003

WDF World Cup Men Singles Photographer: MasterCaller.com Raymond van Barneveld

In 2003 the WDF World Cup returns to Europe. Epinal in France is the host. The turnout is excellent with 37 men's teams, 31 women's teams and a record number of 14 youth teams. From the Caribbean, Turks and Caicos makes its debut at a WDF World Cup this year. It was played from September 24 to 27 in the Parc Des Expositions.

From the Caribbean, Turks and Caicos make their debut at this year's WDF World Cup. Also Latvia and Russia are returning after an eight-year absence. It will be a messy edition, but a very exciting one, especially in the men’s competition.

For the third time in his career, Raymond van Barneveld wins the WDF World Cup singles title. He beats Ritchie Davies from Wales in the final in a repeat of the January Embassy World Championship final. He does this in a seventh and deciding leg.

On his way to the final, Barney defeats Vernon Daniels from Bermuda, Mario Vandenbogaarde from Belgium, Jyhan Artut from Germany, Norm Tremblay from Canada, Paul Hanvidge from Scotland, Tony O’Shea from England and Jarkko Komula from Finland. He only loses five legs en route to the final. The Dutchman's opponent in the final also has an impressive run. Davies beats Charles Losper, John Kuczynski, Ravi Sandiran, Gary Anderson, Marko Kantele and Martin Adams.

Davies becomes the fifth Welshman in the final of the singles tournament, Leighton Rees remains the only one with gold for the time being.

Competitors Of WDF World Cup Men Singles 2003

Martin Adams

Peteris Alberlins

Gary Anderson

Sawas Antoniou

Paul Aquilina

Jyhan Artut

Bela Balogh

SĂžren Behrendsen

Bernard Berlouis

Attila Boszok

Tim Bradley

Vincent Busuttil

Brian Buur

Owen Caffrey

Mario Camilleri

Simon Carruthers

Ray Carver

Paris Chloros

Gerry Convery

Wayne Copeland

Yves Cottenge

George Dalglish

Vernon Daniels

Tony David

Ritchie Davies

Bill Davis

Rudy Delannoy

Alfred Desira

Stephane Didiot

Paul Dugasse

Steve Duk

Dylan Duo

John Elder

Jurg Engel

Albertino Essers

George Federico

Alex Fladerer

Anthony Fleet

Paolo Flora

Andy Fordham

Marco Framboas

Sotiris Ftohopoulis

James Fulford

Sidney Garland

Demetris Georgiou

Robert Grant

Guntars Grebskis

Terrance Hallock

Paul Hanvidge

Steve Harris

Steven Hickmott

Peter Hunt

Peter Johns

Ole Jorgensen

August Jost

Marko Kantele

Joe Kieffer

Mervyn King

Goran Klemme

Jarkko Komula

Markus Korhonen

John Kuczynski

Vladimir Kurakin

Jacques Langston

Per Laursen

Vladimir Lavrientiev

Mark Lewis

Charles Losper

Stian Lyngfeldt

Mauricio Maia

Igor Manturov

Jan Mares

Tony Martinez

Paul McDonald

Stephen McDonnell

Sean McGowan

Gregor McQueen

Hugo Medina

Christo Meiring

Norbert Meszes

John Michael

David Miklas

Roy Montgomery

Tony Moree

James Morel

Stefan Nagy

Arthur Noyes

Aodhagan O'Neill

Tony O'Shea

John Panagopoulos

Stathis Pantelidis

Dyson Parody

Barry Payne

Sergio Pettarini

Martin Phillips

Loris Polese

Mario Portela

Craig Pullen

Marko Pusa

Raku-Nathan Ratman

Aivars Ravins

Colin Rice

Gunther Rimser

Gawie Roesstorff

Ronny Rohr

Laurent Saillour

Yuri Salev

John SandÄker

Ravi Sandiran

Levente Sarai-sr.

Peter Schonauer

Radek Schulz

Kurt Selbig

Daniele Sergi

Tomas Seyler

Tengku-Hadzali Shah

Naoki Shinohara

Marcel Simard

Roshan Sivraman

Bernie Smith

David Smith-T&C

Co Stompé

Aigars Strelis

Daisuke Takeyama

Anandan Tandrian

Francis Taylor

Franz Thaler

Justin Thompson

Marcel Tomasek

Norm Tremblay

George Trypiniotis

Walter Tschudin

Yoshinobu Tsunashima

Mario Vandenbogaerde

Mike Veitch

Anderson Vieira

Kim Viljanen

Valery Vinet

Urs Vonrufs

Robert Wagner

George Walls

Hiroshi Watanobe

Paul Watton

Roland Weis

Andree Welge

Guy le Duff

Raymond van Barneveld

Vincent van der Voort

Callers Of WDF World Cup Men Singles 2003

WDF World Cup Men Singles 2003

Parc des Expostions in
Epinal, FRA
World Darts Federation
Start Date:
25 Sep 2003
End Date:
27 Sep 2003
28 days
16 hours
03 minutes
32 seconds
WDF-World Cup 2025 Korea Republic in
Seoul, KOR
23 Sep - 27 Sep Date
Berry van Peer Reigning Champion