About WDF World Cup Men Singles 1999

1999 WDF World Cup Photographer: Raymond van Barneveld Raymond van Barneveld

In 1999, for the first time in history, a WDF cup is held in Africa. Durban is the host for the twelfth Cup. 32 countries participate in the tournament, of which 30 also have taken a ladies team. For the first time in 1999 there is also a WDF World Cup the young people. Nine teams take a boy and a girl to South Africa. All of them will compete in the Durban Exhibition Centre for the three major Cups from 6 to 9 October.

Four youth titles are up for grabs. Singles with the girls and boys, mixed pairs and of course the overall WDF World Cup. Botswana, Namibia, and the Seychelles are participating for the first time at a WDF World Cup, which is more global than ever before.

Raymond van Barneveld becomes the second player in history to successfully defend his WDF World Cup singles title. After his victory in Perth, he is also the strongest in Durban. In the quarterfinals, the Dutchman defeats Mervyn King in a decisive leg. In the semi-finals, Barney also needs seven legs to overcome Irishman Martin McClosky. McClosky surprisingly knocked Martin Adams out of the tournament in the first round. No Englishman would reach the semi-finals.

In the other half of the schedule, it is the men from New Zealand who dominate. Warren Perry and Herbie Nathan both reach the semi-finals, after victories over Andy Fordham and Ronnie Baxter respectively. The mutual game is won by Parry, who may compete against Van Barneveld in the final, but manages to get only one leg in the final.

With his win, Raymond van Barneveld becomes the second player after Eric Bristow to win the WDF World Cup singles title twice in a row.

Competitors Of WDF World Cup Men Singles 1999

Ahmad-Fauzi Abdulmalik

Martin Adams

Rick Arnott

Ronnie Baxter

Bjørn Berg

John Boland

Tanguy Borra

Alan Brown

Steve Brown

Eric Burden

Joseph Bushman

Brian Buur

Magnus Caris

Erik Clarys

Wayne Copeland

Mitchell Crooks

Josef Czomba

Stephane Dalancon

Vernon Daniels

Tony David

Ritchie Davies

Terje Deras

Paul Dugasse

Steve Duk

Jurg Engel

Pascal Fontaine

Andy Fordham

Rick Fortin

Jacobus Fourie

Demetris Georgiou

Gunnar Glaso

Seamus Gormley

Dave Griffin

Terrance Hallock

Geir-Inge Hansen

Christopher Harding-Hill

Frans Harmsen

Steve Harris

Jamie Harvey

Jackson Hashaka

Wynand Havenga

Richard Herbert

Steven Hickmott

Graham Hunt

Peter Hunt

Tommy Hunter

Bjarne Iversen

Johannes Jindunda

Peter Johnstone

Stig Jorgensen

Marko Kantele

Andre Kassis

Jason Kavanagh

Mervyn King

Jarkko Komula

Ermos Korradou

Christian Leborgne

Choon-Peng Lee

Paul Leech

Paul Lim

Nils-Gunnar Manshed

David Marienthal

Luigi Marino

Martin McCloskey

Gregor McQueen

Carl Mercer

Ulrich Meyer-Schluter

Lambert Monthy

James Morel

Ben Motsani

John Muiru

Edward Mukibi

Michael Muroki

L. Musepele

Ben Musisi

Herbie Nathan

Robert Ngirigacha

Jari Nissinen

Paul Ochang

Katsuyasu Ono

Sadayoshi Onodera

Arnold Paap

Dave Palazzo

Warren Parry

John Part

Barry Payne

Anders Pedersen

Martin Phillips

Janoz Pipicz

Loris Polese

Mario Portela

Marko Pusa

Fritz Radeck

Bruno Rangel

Colin Rice

Vidar Samuelsen

Ravi Sandiran

Marcel Schmidt

Peter Schonauer

Dieter Schutsch

Roshan Sivraman

Peter Sjoberg

Earl Smith

Roberto Soares

Chris Stephani

Co Stompé

Selbaraju Subramaniam

Hiroshi Suzuki

Levente Szekely

Bob Taylor

Loucas Themistoclous

George Trypiniotis

Arthur Valle

Chris Van den Bergh

Archimede Varzella

Pal Venkei

Bert Vlaardingerbroek

Urs Vonrufs

Peter Wanjie

Hiroshi Watanobe

Paul Watton

Wayne Weening

Andree Welge

Barry Whittaker

Geoff Wylie

Lodewijk de Villiers

Raymond van Barneveld

Adrianus van Rensburg

Callers Of WDF World Cup Men Singles 1999

WDF World Cup Men Singles 1999

Durban Exhibition Centre in
Durban, ZAF
World Darts Federation
Start Date:
7 Oct 1999
End Date:
9 Oct 1999
28 days
02 hours
01 minutes
20 seconds
WDF-World Cup 2025 Korea Republic in
Seoul, KOR
23 Sep - 27 Sep Date
Berry van Peer Reigning Champion