About World Championship Boys 2023

WDF World Championship 2023 Photographer: TipTopPics Bradley van der Velden
Semi finalists
Semi finalists

The 2023 Lakeside WDF World Championship was held December 2-10 at Lakeside Country Club in Frimley Green. The boy’s tournament final will be played on the last day. 

In December 2022 the preliminary rounds were played around the World Masters in Assen, the Netherlands. Four players remain, all from different countries. Adam Dee from Ireland, András Borbely from Hungary, Bradley van der Velden from the Netherlands and Mats Teobald from Germany. 

The Irishman wins the first semifinal by beating Borbely with 2-1 in sets. The other semifinal is won by the Dutchman van der Velden, by beating Teobald 2-0. Van der Velden proves too strong for Dee in the final and wins 3-0 in sets. Bradley van der Velden takes over the title from his countryman Bradly Roes. This is the fifth title for the Netherlands out of the 9 editions that have been played. 


World Championship Boys 2023

Lakeside Country Club in
Frimley Green, ENG
World Darts Federation
Lakeside WDF
Start Date:
2 Dec 2023
End Date:
10 Dec 2023
30 days
02 hours
48 minutes
11 seconds
Lakeside Country Club in
Frimley Green, ENG
28 Nov - 7 Dec Date
Archie Self Reigning Champion