About WDF World Cup Women Pairs 2001

WDF World Cup Ladies Pairs Photographer: MasterCaller.com Francis Hoenselaar Mieke de Boer

After Europe, North America, Australia and Africa, the WDF World Cup will also conquer Asia for the first time in 2011. Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia is the setting for the thirteenth edition of this tournament. It will be played from September 26 to 29.

With 27 participating countries in the ladies, 26 in the men and seven in the youth the tournament is slightly less visited than the previous editions, but the tournament is still a resounding success. Thailand makes its debut in 2001 at a WDF World Cup.

In 2001 the Netherlands takes all ladies titles at the WDF World Cup. The pairs torunament also becomes a prey for the Dutch duo Francis Hoenselaar & Mieke de Boer. In the final, the Orange ladies beat the Swedish couple of Carina Ekberg & Kristina Korpii. For both Swedish ladies it is the second time in a row that they have to settle for the silver. This year they did beat the English ladies in the quarterfinals on their way to the final, revenge for the lost final of two years ago.

More remarkable results can be noted in the quarterfinals. The Japanese ladies Nishikawa & Ono, for example, beat the experienced Welsh duo Sandra Greatbatch & Jan Robbins and Finnish ladies Juhola & Salminen sent Northern Ireland home.

The Netherlands once before won the pairs at the WDF World Cup, that was in Las Vegas in 1993 when Hoenselaar won the gold at the side of Valerie Maytum.

Callers Of WDF World Cup Women Pairs 2001

WDF World Cup Women Pairs 2001

Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre in
Kuala Lumpur, MYS
World Darts Federation
Start Date:
27 Sep 2001
End Date:
29 Sep 2001
11 days
15 hours
59 minutes
19 seconds
WDF-World Cup 2025 Korea Republic in
Seoul, KOR
23 Sep - 27 Sep Date
Deta Hedman Reigning Champion