About WDF World Cup Women Singles 1995

WDF World Cup Ladies Singles Photographer: MasterCaller.com Mandy Solomons

With a record number of entries of 40 men's teams the tenth WDF World Cup started in the Swiss city of Basel. With this fantastic number of entrees WDF Chairman Peter McMenamin and SDA President Felix Degen could already speak of a great success before the first dart was thrown. Not only the quantity was present also the quality continued to rise. Apparently, there are no "weak countries" anymore in the darts world. 

The ladies also had a record number of entries with 35 countries in their seventh WDF World Cup from 4 to 7 October at the Messe Hall in the Swiss city of Basel. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Isle of Man and Latvia make their debut in Switzerland.

In the ladies singles the semi-finals would be a battle between the English favourites Solomons & Hedman and the ladies from the Low Countries. Francis Hoenselaar from the Netherlands and the Belgian surprise Monique Victoor. Mandy Solomons had to compete with the Belgian on the beautiful stage and Monique turned out to have a bit of stage fright against the experienced Mandy who won 4-0. However, the averages were not bad, 22.32 for Monique and 24.44 for Mandy. Then there was the clash between the number one in the world Deta Hedman and the Dutch top player Francis Hoenselaar. If the Dutch lady would secure a win in this match, she would be the best player in the world at least until the end of the year. Hedman started the match with a 180 and won the first leg. The second leg went to Hoenselaar despite two bouncers. The level in the game grew and Deta took leg three in 14 darts. Hoenselaar countered with two 19-darters hitting a 180 in each of them to nudge ahead 3-2. The Dutch had the start in the sixth leg and with the help of two 140’s she wrapped up the leg in 16 darts to win this leg and the match. 

In the final, Mandy Solomons got out of the blocks better than Francis who was still on 161 when Mandy finished the leg in 24 darts. The second leg painted the same picture, but after many missed doubles from Solomons, Hoenselaar won it. The third leg also went to Hoenselaar. In the fourth leg Mandy, again, had three darts to hit the double, but she failed again and Francis went ahead 3-1. Solomons however, did not give up and began with a 180 followed by a 100 score. Yet again the English lady would miss so many doubles that Hoenselaar would get two match darts, but now it was her turn to miss. Solomons won the leg and started the next one with scores of 60-140 and 180. A 121-finish brought Solomons back to 3-3. The last leg Solomons had the throw, but the match would be decided on the doubles again. Francis missed a 116 finish and after three missed match darts from Mandy she got three of her own for the title. Hoenselaar would miss again, so close and yet so far away. Eventually Mandy hit the double five with het last dart. Thus, she topped off a fantastic week with the singles title. Solomons took all the ladies titles home this Cup and that was after she had hit a nine-darter during a league match in London the week before the WDF World Cup.

Callers Of WDF World Cup Women Singles 1995

WDF World Cup Women Singles 1995

Messe in
Basel, CHE
World Darts Federation
Start Date:
5 Oct 1995
End Date:
7 Oct 1995
28 days
09 hours
22 minutes
37 seconds
WDF-World Cup 2025 Korea Republic in
Seoul, KOR
23 Sep - 27 Sep Date
Beau Greaves Reigning Champion