About WDF World Cup Men Teams 2011

WDF World Cup Men Teams - 2011 Photographer: Sijmon Timmers Martin Adams Martin Atkins (Leeds) Tony O'Shea Scott Waites

Castlebar in Ireland is the beautiful location for the eighteenth edition of the WDF World Cup. The world-famous Irish cordiality prevails and 38 countries make it a fascinating spectacle. 35 Women's team and 15 youth teams complete the line-up. The Breaffy House Resort, County Mayo, is the home of darts from September 20-24.

History is being written in Castlebar because England is the first country ever to win all three overall titles in one year. In addition, Catalonia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania get their first introduction to the unsurpassed WDF World Cup feeling.

In the team tournament, there are no big surprises in the group phase, or it must be that Wales does not survive the group phase. In a strong group with Belgium and Canada, it is the British who lose out on leg difference. In the last 16 it is the defending champion Netherlands that goes out against a strong playing South African squad. The game between England and Scotland is simply won 9-2 by the English.

In the quarterfinals it is close in every game. England beat the Canadians 9-6. Sweden wins with the same numbers from Australia and Belgium does the same with South Africa. The fourth semi-finalist is Finland, beating Denmark 9-7.

England with Martin Adams, Martin Atkins-Leeds, Tony O'Shea & Scott Waites qualify for the final by winning 9-5 against Swedes Daniel Larsson, Dennis Nilsson, Johan Engström & Seved Rose and the Finns become their opponents. Ulf Ceder, Jarkko Komula, Petri Korte & Sami Sanssi beat Ronny Huybrechts, Geert de Vos, Thierry Michaux & Didier De Vuyst from Belgium 9-7.

The final is e a true spectacle that will eventually lead to a seventeenth and deciding leg. It is England that proves the strongest and wins the team tournament for the eleventh time in a WDF World Cup.

Competitors Of WDF World Cup Men Teams 2011

Øyvind Aasland

Martin Adams

Robin Albury

Vladimir Andersen

Beau Anderson

Tobias Anliker

Reza Ansari

Janis Armanovics

Martin Atkins (Leeds)

Craig Baxter

Tom Becker

Doroteo Bermudez

Amir Biranvand

Thomas Bremgartner

Larry Butler

Winston Cadogan

David Cameron

Luca Catallo

Ulf Ceder

Edson Chaves

Arunas Ciplys

Mingo Claudiano

Darren Clifford

Duke Cole

Wayne Copeland

Rob Corrin

Geert De Vos

Didier De Vuyst

Jan Dekker

Fridrik Diego

Seymour Dixon

Rodger Edwards

John Elder

Gary Elliott

Vegar Elvevoll

Johan Engström

Connie Finnan

Anthony Forde

Marco Formiga

Arnis Gerners

Takuya Goto

Guntars Grebskis

Tinus Grobbelaar

Thorgeir Gudmundsson

Robert Hansen

Rahaman Hassanali

Stephen-Charles Hatton

Terry Hayhurst

Martin Heneghan

Damon Heta

Shawn Hogan

Glenn Honoré

Ronny Huybrechts

Ewan Hyslop

Hiroo Ishida

Kevin Jacob

Jiri Jenicek

Frede Johansen

Stig Jorgensen

Laszlo Kadar

Utku Karaca

Philip Karall

Hosein Karasgani

Engin Kayaoglu

Joe Kieffer

Christian Knowles

Willy Kolly

Jarkko Komula

Pavel Korda

Petri Korte

Marcin Koziarek

Marek Kubowicz

Nitin Kumar

Stefan Kuntner

Lev Kuzmichev

Darius Labanauskas

Daniel Larsson

Dion Laviolette

Vladimir Lavrientiev

Jamie Lewis

Fernando Lopez-Perez

Darryl Loughery

Peter Machin

Leonardo Mavla

Martin McCloskey

Sean McGowan

Ron Meulenkamp

Thierry Michaux

Hamireza Moemeni

Einar Moller

Ross Montgomery

Mick Mullaney

Antonio Muñoz-Ramos

Clyde Murrell

Gintaras Nagevius

Robert Nelson

Dennis Nilsson

Tony O'Shea

Michal Ondo

Sarthak Patel

Martin Phillips

Charl Pietersen

Alexey Pigarev

Xavier Pla-Costa

Marek Polach

Vlad-Christian Popa

Marcio Pugliessa

Marko Puls

Daniel Racoveanu

Andrei Ratnikov

Stewart Rattray

Salmon Renyaan

Rowby-John Rodriguez

Jose-Manuel Rodriguez-Bernardino

Reno Roga

Seved Rosen

Tomas Sakys

Sami Sanssi

Josep Santonja

Shane Sawyer

Swen Seifert

Daniele Sergi

Paul Sertin

Hiroaki Shimizu

Chandrika Singh

Michal Skorupa

Ricardo Spencer

Clifford Straddling

Eser Tekin

Franz Thaler

Kevin Thomas

Kristjan Thorsteinsson

Phalgun Tiruvasu

Emre Toros

Kengo Tsukuda

Olaf Tupuschis

Colin Tyrer

Christian Unureanu

Danilo Vigato

Urs Vonrufs

Robert Wagner

Scott Waites

Wayne Warren

Roland Weis

Maciej Wezyk

Jim Widmayer

Scott Wollaston

Daniel Zygla

Jose de Sousa

Danilo di Terlizza

Joey ten Berge

Jerry van Loan

Callers Of WDF World Cup Men Teams 2011

WDF World Cup Men Teams 2011

Breaffy House Resort in
Castlebar, IRL
World Darts Federation
Start Date:
21 Sep 2011
End Date:
24 Sep 2011
28 days
04 hours
48 minutes
49 seconds
WDF-World Cup 2025 Korea Republic in
Seoul, KOR
23 Sep - 27 Sep Date
Jelle Klaasen Reigning Champion