About WDF World Cup Men Teams 1993

WDF World Cup Men Teams Photographer: MasterCaller.com Ronnie Baxter Steve Beaton Dave Askew Kevin Kenny

The ninth WDF World Cup is played for the second time in the largest gambling city of the world; Las Vegas. In 1979 WDF World Cup II was also held there, back then with only men's teams. Just like two years ago in Zandvoort Netherlands, there were 32 countries in the men’s competition. In the ladies, 26 countries started for their sixth WDF World Cup Darts.

Traditionally, there are relatively many Caribbean countries when playing in North America. There are also three debuting countries; The Czech Republic, Hungary and South Africa have joined the WDF World Cup family. The Sahara Hotel is the place to be from 13 to 16 October, just like 14 years ago. That does not apply to a lot of trusted names. This WDF World Cup goes down in history as the first after the split, with a large number of top players having set up their own darts association, later known as the PDC.

In the team event the first semi-final is between England and the USA. England took the oche with a brand-new team after the 1992 split in the world of darts. This year Kevin Kenny, Ronnie Baxter, Dave Askew and Steve Beaton had to uphold the honour of the English team. They reach the final quite easily by beating Larry Butler, Dave Kelly, Tony Payne & Gerald Verrier from the host nation USA with 9-3. In the other semi-final Wales with Eric Burden, Martin Phillips, Sean Palfrey & Ken Thomas played Scotland with Ronnie Sharp, Trevor Nurse, Alan Brown & Mike Veitch. Wales quickly took a 7-1 lead, but the Scots came back to 8-6. Wales did eventually win it, 9-6. 

In the final, the England team quickly took a comfortable 5-0 lead and never gave Wales a chance to come back in the match. England, with a completely new team, won the team event 9-3. The second consecutive win for England in the team event, the sixth time in total.

Competitors Of WDF World Cup Men Teams 1993

Øyvind Aasland

Albert Anstey

Dave Askew

Beat Basler

Ronnie Baxter

Steve Beaton

Jonas Bergström

Robert Boch

Alan Brown

Eric Burden

Larry Butler

Magnus Caris

John Catanach

Yves Chamberland

Torben Christensen

Roy-Thore Christensen

Conrado Chua

Mitchell Crooks

William Dalzell

Vernon Daniels

Alfredo Deen

Stephan Eeckelaert

Steven Els

Enrico Flores

Arild Folgerø

Finian Fox

Leon Garcia

John Govender

Siaw Guan-Goh

Mauri Hakkala

Wayne Harvey

Steven Hayward

Kexi Heinaharju

Jann Hoffmann

Graham Hunt

Peter Hunt

Reynaldo Ilagan

Paul Jacobs

Trevor Johnson

Tony Kamernicky

Thomas Kamusina

Toshioki Kaneko

Marko Kantele

Blaine Karst

Dave Kelly

Kevin Kenny

Goran Klemme

Karoly Kocsis

Sandor Kovacs

Andreas Krockel

Bruno Ladovaz

Leo Laurens

Jean-Luc Leclercq

Yannick Letutour

Harith Lim

Mauricio Maia

Jan Mares

Attila Mayer

Francis McMahon

Carl Mercer

Prescott Minnis

Tony Moree

Patrick Moylan

John-Mugo Munyui

Stefan Nagy

Sayid Nasiruddin

Robert Ngirigacha

Aulis Nissinen

Trevor Nurse

John Nyingi-Macharia

John-Joe O'Shea

Dmitri Ostashev

Oleg Ostashev

Sean Palfrey

John Part

Andrei Patriki

Tony Payne

Robert Perentin

Martin Phillips

Gerald Porter

Loic Querre

Bruno Raes

Preston Ridd

Sergei Romanov

Michael Rosenauer

Troels Rusel

Jeroen Samuels

Alfredo Sanchez

Ravi Sandiran

Toru Sano

Sergio Santos

Giorgio Sartor

Noel Schlaeppi

Roland Scholten

Dieter Schutsch

Giancarlo Scibetta

Istvan Sebestyen

Mathivanan Selvarajoo

Ronnie Sharp

Jean-Marc Siat

Jasvender Singh

Arne Sivertsen

Per Skau

Earl Smith

Alan Smolenski

Roberto Soares

Pierre Steiner

Russell Stewart

Daryl Stewart

Co Stompé

Selbaraju Subramaniam

Franz Thaler

Ken Thomas

Ronald Thorne

Walter Tschudin

Arthur Valle

Mike Veitch

Gerald Verrier

Hiroshi Watanobe

Wayne Weening

Andree Welge

Jango Williams

Geoff Wylie

Kikukazu Yabe

Terence Yeo

Jaroslav Zenisek

Jean-Marie de Jonghe

Raymond van Barneveld

WDF World Cup Men Teams 1993

Sahara Hotel in
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
World Darts Federation
Southern Comfort
Start Date:
14 Oct 1993
End Date:
16 Oct 1993
28 days
07 hours
40 minutes
00 seconds
WDF-World Cup 2025 Korea Republic in
Seoul, KOR
23 Sep - 27 Sep Date
Jelle Klaasen Reigning Champion