About WDF Europe Cup Women Pairs 2024

2024 WDF Europe Cup of Darts Photographer: WDF Aletta Wajer Noa-Lynn van Leuven

The 23rd edition of the WDF Europe Cup was held in the x-bionic® sphere in Samorin, Slovakia. The men's tournament starts with 40 teams. Eight countries leave their women at home. There are no debuting countries for the first time since 2016. The Europe Cup was played from the 25th to the 28th of September.

England is the defending champion. Deta Hedman & Beau Greaves won in Spain in 2022. England reaches the quarterfinals this year without these two ladies. Here Samatha Kirton & Natalie Gilbert eventually find their Waterloo. They lose to the new champions; the Dutch Aletta Wajer & Noa-Lynn van Leuven.

In the quarterfinals, eight countries are still competing for the win. Team Wales, consisting of Rhian O'Sullivan & Eve Watson, reach the semi-final by beating the Croatians Marina Letica & Josipa Brzic 4-0. They then also beat the home team; Slovakians Katerina Nagyova & Lucia Jankovska in the semi-finals with 5-2.

On behalf of Hungary, Greta Tekauer & Alexandra Bogar beat the Swedish duo Anna Forsmark & Maud Jansson in the quarterfinals after an exciting match with 4-3. Unfortunately, the Dutch duo Wajer & Van Leuven prove to be too strong for them in the semi-finals. The Dutch couple thus qualifies for the final against Wales. 

The Dutch ladies are not really in danger in the final either. Rhian O’Sullivan & Eve Watson win three legs, but the title goes to Aletta Wajer & Noa-Lynn van Leuven. For the Netherlands, it is the fourth time that they win gold in this event. The last time was in 2012.

Competitors Of WDF Europe Cup Women Pairs 2024

Lilliana Abela

Ceylin Atas

Jenna Avrill

Gabriela Bagat

Nikki Bardsley

Sarah Bartlome

Irena Bauze

Jessica Bintz

Ayse Bodur

Alexandra Bogar

Andreea Brad

Caroline Breen

Ieva Brikmane-Buklovska

Loredana Brumetz

Josipa Brzic

Robyn Byrne

Tamara Carcelen

Josianne Caruana

Oana Cimpoca

Steph Clarke

Katy Clarys

Jessica Corlett

Grace Crane

Rossella Cristiano

Gina D'Hondt

Steinunn Dagný

Patricia De Peuter

Carine Dessein

Sandra Dogg Gudlaugsdottir

Nisanur Donmez

Helen Dunn

Emine Dursun

Milou Emriksdotter

Nora Erdei

Ailish Finnan

Sara Foconetti

Anna Forsmark

Carole Frison

Ana Maria Garcia

Audrey Gauci

Fiona Gaylor

Natalie Gilbert

Karine Gobert

Katarine Griffe

Sara Guastella

Árdís Sif Gudjónsdóttir

Monika Gurauskiene

Lovisa Hilmarsdottir

Monika Hockova

Sabrina Hoor

Hope Hopwood

Lorraine Hyde

Christine Hyde

Veronika Ihász

Ivanina Ivanova

Sandra Ivic

Lucia Jankovská

Maud Jansson

Asta Jukniene

Antja Kalski

Leonie Kammann

Margaret Kelly

Debora Kirova

Samantha Kirton

Merete Kjaer

Sonny Klein-Kemp

Iida Lanko

Marina Letica

Ema Love

Anna Madigan

Milagros Martinez

Susanna McGimpsey

Riika Merilaht

Michelle Merlit

Tanja Messner

Doriane Michel

Durdina Misdevid

Carole Monpoux

Marianne Munkso

Christiane Muzik

Katarina Nagyova

Daniela Neumayer

Sari Sauvola

Chloe O'Brien

Kayleigh O'Neill

Rhian O'Sullivan

Giulia Olteanu

Sladana Pantic

Tiia Parnanen

Catalina Pasa

Paige Pauling

Ariana Porroche

Ina Rademacher

Crina Ravar

Lerena Rietbergen

Sandra Rimkevičiūtė

Marija Ruzane

Karolína Rysová

Katerina Sadilkova

Marika Sarrapik

Mirjam Schuepbach

Anda Viksna

Katie Sheldon

Julia Siek

Anja Springborg Larsen

Nina Staskova

Priscilla Steenbergen

Valeria Stoilova

Jeannette Stoop

Martina Sulovska

Sarah Taylor

Greta Tekauer

Tiina Tiisler

Triin Timmermann

Leanne Topper

Ieva Tvaronaviciute

Milena Tvrdorijeka

Plamena Urdeva

Snezana Veljovic

Kirsi Viinikainen

Anna Votavová

Aletta Wajer

Alannah Waters-Evans

Eve Watson

Marconia Zammit-Borg

Tania Zimmer

Donna le Clercq

Noa-Lynn van Leuven

WDF Europe Cup Women Pairs 2024

x-bionic® sphere in
Samorín, SVK
World Darts Federation
Start Date:
25 Sep 2024
End Date:
28 Sep 2024